package Net::DNS::RR; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = (qw$Id$)[2]; =head1 NAME Net::DNS::RR - DNS resource record base class =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::DNS; $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new(' IN AAAA 2001:DB8::1'); $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new( owner => '', type => 'AAAA', address => '2001:DB8::1' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Net::DNS::RR is the base class for DNS Resource Record (RR) objects. See also the manual pages for each specific RR type. =cut use integer; use Carp; use constant LIB => grep { $_ ne '.' } grep { !ref($_) } @INC; use Net::DNS::Parameters qw(%classbyname :class :type); use Net::DNS::DomainName; =head1 METHODS B Do not assume the RR objects you receive from a query are of a particular type. You must always check the object type before calling any of its methods. If you call an unknown method, you will get an error message and execution will be terminated. =cut sub new { my ( $class, @list ) = @_; my $rr = eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; scalar @list > 1 ? &_new_hash : &_new_string; }; return $rr if $rr; my @param = map { defined($_) ? split /\s+/ : 'undef' } @list; my $stmnt = substr "$class->new( @param )", 0, 80; croak "${@}in $stmnt\n"; } =head2 new (from string) $aaaa = Net::DNS::RR->new(' 86400 AAAA 2001:DB8::1'); $mx = Net::DNS::RR->new(' 7200 MX 10'); $cname = Net::DNS::RR->new(' 300 IN CNAME'); $txt = Net::DNS::RR->new(' 3600 HS TXT "text data"'); Returns an object of the appropriate RR type, or a L object if the type is not implemented. The attribute values are extracted from the string passed by the user. The syntax of the argument string follows the RFC1035 specification for zone files, and is compatible with the result returned by the string method. The owner and RR type are required; all other information is optional. Omitting the optional fields is useful for creating the empty RDATA sections required for certain dynamic update operations. See the L manual page for additional examples. All names are interpreted as fully qualified domain names. The trailing dot (.) is optional. =cut my $PARSE_REGEX = q/("[^"]*")|;[^\n]*|[ \t\n\r\f()]+/; # NB: *not* \s (matches Unicode white space) sub _new_string { my ( $base, $string ) = @_; die 'argument absent or undefined' unless defined $string; die 'non-scalar argument' if ref $string; # parse into quoted strings, contiguous non-whitespace and (discarded) comments local $_ = $string; s/\\\\/\\092/g; # disguise escaped escape s/\\"/\\034/g; # disguise escaped quote s/\\\(/\\040/g; # disguise escaped bracket s/\\\)/\\041/g; # disguise escaped bracket s/\\;/\\059/g; # disguise escaped semicolon my ( $owner, @token ) = grep { defined && length } split /$PARSE_REGEX/o; die 'unable to parse RR string' unless scalar @token; my $t1 = $token[0]; my $t2 = $token[1]; my ( $ttl, $class ); if ( not defined $t2 ) { # @token = ('ANY') if $classbyname{uc $t1}; # } elsif ( $t1 =~ /^\d/ ) { $ttl = shift @token; # [] $class = shift @token if $classbyname{uc $t2} || $t2 =~ /^CLASS\d/i; } elsif ( $classbyname{uc $t1} || $t1 =~ /^CLASS\d/i ) { $class = shift @token; # [] $ttl = shift @token if $t2 =~ /^\d/; } my $type = shift(@token); my $populated = scalar @token; my $self = $base->_subclass( $type, $populated ); # create RR object $self->owner($owner); &class( $self, $class ); # specify CLASS &ttl( $self, $ttl ); # specify TTL return $self unless $populated; # empty RR if ( $#token && $token[0] =~ /^[\\]?#$/ ) { shift @token; # RFC3597 hexadecimal format my $rdlen = shift(@token) || 0; my $rdata = pack 'H*', join( '', @token ); die 'length and hexadecimal data inconsistent' unless $rdlen == length $rdata; $self->rdata($rdata); # unpack RDATA } else { $self->_parse_rdata(@token); # parse arguments } $self->_post_parse(); return $self; } =head2 new (from hash) $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new(%hash); $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new( owner => '', ttl => 86400, class => 'IN', type => 'AAAA', address => '2001:DB8::1' ); $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new( owner => '', type => 'TXT', txtdata => [ 'one', 'two' ] ); Returns an object of the appropriate RR type, or a L object if the type is not implemented. Consult the relevant manual pages for the usage of type specific attributes. The owner and RR type are required; all other information is optional. Omitting optional attributes is useful for creating the empty RDATA sections required for certain dynamic update operations. =cut my @core = qw(owner name type class ttl rdlength); sub _new_hash { my $base = shift; my %attribute = ( owner => '.', type => 'NULL' ); while ( my $key = shift ) { $attribute{lc $key} = shift; } my ( $owner, $name, $type, $class, $ttl ) = delete @attribute{@core}; my $self = $base->_subclass( $type, scalar(%attribute) ); $self->owner( $name ? $name : $owner ); $self->class($class) if defined $class; # optional CLASS $self->ttl($ttl) if defined $ttl; # optional TTL eval { while ( my ( $attribute, $value ) = each %attribute ) { $self->$attribute( ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$value : $value ); } }; die ref($self) eq __PACKAGE__ ? "type $type not implemented" : () if $@; $self->_post_parse(); return $self; } =head2 decode ( $rr, $next ) = Net::DNS::RR->decode( \$data, $offset, @opaque ); Decodes a DNS resource record at the specified location within a DNS packet. The argument list consists of a reference to the buffer containing the packet data and offset indicating where resource record begins. Any remaining arguments are passed as opaque data to subordinate decoders and do not form part of the published interface. Returns a C object and the offset of the next record in the packet. An exception is raised if the data buffer contains insufficient or corrupt data. =cut use constant RRFIXEDSZ => length pack 'n2 N n', (0) x 4; sub decode { my ( $base, @argument ) = @_; my ( $owner, $fixed ) = Net::DNS::DomainName1035->decode(@argument); my $index = $fixed + RRFIXEDSZ; my ( $data, $offset, @opaque ) = @argument; die 'corrupt wire-format data' if length $$data < $index; my $self = $base->_subclass( unpack "\@$fixed n", $$data ); $self->{owner} = $owner; @{$self}{qw(class ttl rdlength)} = unpack "\@$fixed x2 n N n", $$data; my $next = $index + $self->{rdlength}; die 'corrupt wire-format data' if length $$data < $next; if ( $next > $index or $self->type eq 'OPT' ) { local $self->{offset} = $offset; eval { $self->_decode_rdata( $data, $index, @opaque ) }; warn $@ if $@; } return wantarray ? ( $self, $next ) : $self; } =head2 encode $data = $rr->encode( $offset, @opaque ); Returns the C in binary format suitable for inclusion in a DNS packet buffer. The offset indicates the intended location within the packet data where the C is to be stored. Any remaining arguments are opaque data which are passed intact to subordinate encoders. =cut sub encode { my ( $self, $offset, @opaque ) = @_; ( $offset, @opaque ) = ( 0x4000, {} ) unless defined $offset; my $owner = $self->{owner}->encode( $offset, @opaque ); my ( $type, $class, $ttl ) = @{$self}{qw(type class ttl)}; my $rdata = $self->_empty ? '' : $self->_encode_rdata( $offset + length($owner) + RRFIXEDSZ, @opaque ); return pack 'a* n2 N n a*', $owner, $type, $class || 1, $ttl || 0, length $rdata, $rdata; } =head2 canonical $data = $rr->canonical; Returns the C in canonical binary format suitable for DNSSEC signature validation. The absence of the associative array argument signals to subordinate encoders that the canonical uncompressed form of embedded domain names is to be used. =cut sub canonical { my $self = shift; my $owner = $self->{owner}->canonical; my ( $type, $class, $ttl ) = @{$self}{qw(type class ttl)}; my $rdata = $self->_empty ? '' : $self->_encode_rdata( length($owner) + RRFIXEDSZ ); return pack 'a* n2 N n a*', $owner, $type, $class || 1, $ttl || 0, length $rdata, $rdata; } =head2 print $rr->print; Prints the resource record to the currently selected output filehandle. Calls the string method to get the formatted RR representation. =cut sub print { print shift->string, "\n"; return; } =head2 string print $rr->string, "\n"; Returns a string representation of the RR using the master file format mandated by RFC1035. All domain names are fully qualified with trailing dot. This differs from RR attribute methods, which omit the trailing dot. =cut sub string { my $self = shift; my $name = $self->{owner}->string; my @ttl = grep {defined} $self->{ttl}; my @core = ( $name, @ttl, $self->class, $self->type ); local $SIG{__DIE__}; my $empty = $self->_empty; my @rdata = $empty ? () : eval { $self->_format_rdata }; carp $@ if $@; my $tab = length($name) < 72 ? "\t" : ' '; my @line = _wrap( join( $tab, @core, '(' ), @rdata, ')' ); my $last = pop(@line); # last or only line $last = join $tab, @core, "@rdata" unless scalar(@line); $self->_annotation('no data') if $empty; return join "\n\t", @line, _wrap( $last, map {"; $_"} $self->_annotation ); } =head2 plain $plain = $rr->plain; Returns a simplified single-line representation of the RR. This facilitates interaction with programs like nsupdate which have rudimentary parsers. =cut sub plain { return join ' ', shift->token; } =head2 token @token = $rr->token; Returns a token list representation of the RR zone file string. =cut sub token { my $self = shift; my @ttl = grep {defined} $self->{ttl}; my @core = ( $self->{owner}->string, @ttl, $self->class, $self->type ); # parse into quoted strings, contiguous non-whitespace and (discarded) comments local $_ = $self->_empty ? '' : join( ' ', $self->_format_rdata ); s/\\\\/\\092/g; # disguise escaped escape s/\\"/\\034/g; # disguise escaped quote s/\\\(/\\040/g; # disguise escaped bracket s/\\\)/\\041/g; # disguise escaped bracket s/\\;/\\059/g; # disguise escaped semicolon return ( @core, grep { defined && length } split /$PARSE_REGEX/o ); } =head2 generic $generic = $rr->generic; Returns the generic RR representation defined in RFC3597. This facilitates creation of zone files containing RRs unrecognised by outdated nameservers and provisioning software. =cut sub generic { my $self = shift; my @ttl = grep {defined} $self->{ttl}; my @class = map {"CLASS$_"} grep {defined} $self->{class}; my @core = ( $self->{owner}->string, @ttl, @class, "TYPE$self->{type}" ); my $data = $self->rdata; my @data = ( '\\#', length($data), split /(\S{32})/, unpack 'H*', $data ); my @line = _wrap( "@core (", @data, ')' ); return join "\n\t", @line if scalar(@line) > 1; return join ' ', @core, @data; } =head2 owner name $name = $rr->owner; Returns the owner name of the record. =cut sub owner { my ( $self, @name ) = @_; for (@name) { $self->{owner} = Net::DNS::DomainName1035->new($_) } return defined wantarray ? $self->{owner}->name : undef; } sub name { return &owner; } ## historical =head2 type $type = $rr->type; Returns the record type. =cut sub type { my ( $self, @value ) = @_; for (@value) { croak 'not possible to change RR->type' } return typebyval( $self->{type} ); } =head2 class $class = $rr->class; Resource record class. =cut sub class { my ( $self, $class ) = @_; return $self->{class} = classbyname($class) if defined $class; return defined $self->{class} ? classbyval( $self->{class} ) : 'IN'; } =head2 ttl $ttl = $rr->ttl; $ttl = $rr->ttl(3600); Resource record time to live in seconds. =cut # The following time units are recognised, but are not part of the # published API. These are required for parsing BIND zone files but # should not be used in other contexts. my %unit = ( W => 604800, D => 86400, H => 3600, M => 60, S => 1 ); sub ttl { my ( $self, $time ) = @_; return $self->{ttl} || 0 unless defined $time; # avoid defining rr->{ttl} my $ttl = 0; my %time = reverse split /(\D)\D*/, $time . 'S'; while ( my ( $u, $t ) = each %time ) { my $scale = $unit{uc $u} || die qq(bad time: $t$u); $ttl += $t * $scale; } return $self->{ttl} = $ttl; } ################################################################################ ## ## Default implementation for unknown RR type ## ################################################################################ sub _decode_rdata { ## decode rdata from wire-format octet string my ( $self, $data, $offset ) = @_; return $self->{rdata} = substr $$data, $offset, $self->{rdlength}; } sub _encode_rdata { ## encode rdata as wire-format octet string return shift->{rdata}; } sub _format_rdata { ## format rdata portion of RR string my $rdata = shift->rdata; # RFC3597 unknown RR format return ( '\\#', length($rdata), split /(\S{32})/, unpack 'H*', $rdata ); } sub _parse_rdata { ## parse RR attributes in argument list my $self = shift; die join ' ', 'type', $self->type, 'not implemented' if ref($self) eq __PACKAGE__; die join ' ', 'no zone file representation defined for', $self->type; } sub _post_parse { } ## parser post processing sub _defaults { } ## set attribute default values sub dump { ## print internal data structure my @data = @_; # uncoverable pod require Data::Dumper; local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth || 6; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys || 1; local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = $Data::Dumper::Useqq || 1; return print Data::Dumper::Dumper(@data); } sub rdatastr { ## historical RR subtype method my $self = shift; # uncoverable pod $self->_deprecate('prefer $rr->rdstring()'); return $self->rdstring; } =head2 rdata $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new( type => NULL, rdata => 'arbitrary' ); Resource record data section when viewed as opaque octets. =cut sub rdata { my $self = shift; return $self->_empty ? '' : eval { $self->_encode_rdata( 0x4000, {} ) } unless @_; my $data = shift || ''; $self->_decode_rdata( \$data, 0 ) if ( $self->{rdlength} = length $data ); return; } =head2 rdstring $rdstring = $rr->rdstring; Returns a string representation of the RR-specific data. =cut sub rdstring { my $self = shift; local $SIG{__DIE__}; my @rdata = $self->_empty ? () : eval { $self->_format_rdata }; carp $@ if $@; return join "\n\t", _wrap(@rdata); } =head2 rdlength $rdlength = $rr->rdlength; Returns the uncompressed length of the encoded RR-specific data. =cut sub rdlength { return length shift->rdata; } ################################################################################### =head1 Sorting of RR arrays Sorting of RR arrays is done by Net::DNS::rrsort(), see documentation for L. This package provides class methods to set the comparator function used for a particular RR based on its attributes. =head2 set_rrsort_func my $function = sub { ## numerically ascending order $Net::DNS::a->{'preference'} <=> $Net::DNS::b->{'preference'}; }; Net::DNS::RR::MX->set_rrsort_func( 'preference', $function ); Net::DNS::RR::MX->set_rrsort_func( 'default_sort', $function ); set_rrsort_func() must be called as a class method. The first argument is the attribute name on which the sorting is to take place. If you specify "default_sort" then that is the sort algorithm that will be used when get_rrsort_func() is called without an RR attribute as argument. The second argument is a reference to a comparator function that uses the global variables $a and $b in the Net::DNS package. During sorting, the variables $a and $b will contain references to objects of the class whose set_rrsort_func() was called. The above sorting function will only be applied to Net::DNS::RR::MX objects. The above example is the sorting function implemented in MX. =cut our %rrsortfunct; sub set_rrsort_func { my $class = shift; my $attribute = shift; my $function = shift; my ($type) = $class =~ m/::([^:]+)$/; $rrsortfunct{$type}{$attribute} = $function; return; } =head2 get_rrsort_func $function = Net::DNS::RR::MX->get_rrsort_func('preference'); $function = Net::DNS::RR::MX->get_rrsort_func(); get_rrsort_func() returns a reference to the comparator function. =cut my $default = sub { return $Net::DNS::a->canonical() cmp $Net::DNS::b->canonical(); }; sub get_rrsort_func { my $class = shift; my $attribute = shift || 'default_sort'; my ($type) = $class =~ m/::([^:]+)$/; return $rrsortfunct{$type}{$attribute} || return $default; } ################################################################################ # # Net::DNS::RR->_subclass($rrname) # Net::DNS::RR->_subclass($rrname, $default) # # Create a new object blessed into appropriate RR subclass, after # loading the subclass module (if necessary). A subclass with no # corresponding module will be regarded as unknown and blessed # into the RR base class. # # The optional second argument indicates that default values are # to be copied into the newly created object. our %_MINIMAL = ( 255 => bless ['type' => 255], __PACKAGE__ ); our %_LOADED = %_MINIMAL; sub _subclass { my ( $class, $rrname, $default ) = @_; unless ( $_LOADED{$rrname} ) { my $rrtype = typebyname($rrname); unless ( $_LOADED{$rrtype} ) { # load once only local @INC = LIB; my $identifier = typebyval($rrtype); $identifier =~ s/\W/_/g; # kosher Perl identifier my $subclass = join '::', __PACKAGE__, $identifier; unless ( eval "require $subclass" ) { ## no critic ProhibitStringyEval my $perl = Net::DNS::Parameters::_typespec("$rrtype.RRTYPE"); $subclass = join '::', __PACKAGE__, "TYPE$rrtype"; push @INC, sub { # see perldoc -f require my @line = split /\n/, $perl; return ( sub { defined( $_ = shift @line ) } ); }; eval "require $subclass"; ## no critic ProhibitStringyEval } $subclass = __PACKAGE__ if $@; # cache pre-built minimal and populated default object images my @base = ( 'type' => $rrtype ); $_MINIMAL{$rrtype} = bless [@base], $subclass; my $object = bless {@base}, $subclass; $object->_defaults; $_LOADED{$rrtype} = bless [%$object], $subclass; } $_MINIMAL{$rrname} = $_MINIMAL{$rrtype}; $_LOADED{$rrname} = $_LOADED{$rrtype}; } my $prebuilt = $default ? $_LOADED{$rrname} : $_MINIMAL{$rrname}; return bless {@$prebuilt}, ref($prebuilt); # create object } sub _annotation { my ( $self, @note ) = @_; $self->{annotation} = ["@note"] if scalar @note; return wantarray ? @{$self->{annotation} || []} : (); } my %warned; sub _deprecate { my ( undef, @note ) = @_; carp "deprecated method; @note" unless $warned{"@note"}++; return; } my %ignore = map { ( $_ => 1 ) } @core, 'annotation', '#'; sub _empty { my $self = shift; return not( $self->{'#'} ||= scalar grep { !$ignore{$_} } keys %$self ); } sub _wrap { my @text = @_; my $cols = 80; my $coln = 0; my ( @line, @fill ); foreach (@text) { $coln += ( length || next ) + 1; if ( $coln > $cols ) { # start new line push( @line, join ' ', @fill ) if @fill; $coln = length; @fill = (); } $coln = $cols if chomp; # force line break push( @fill, $_ ) if length; } return ( @line, join ' ', @fill ); } ################################################################################ sub DESTROY { } ## Avoid tickling AUTOLOAD (in cleanup) ## no critic sub AUTOLOAD { ## Default method my ($self) = @_; no strict 'refs'; ## no critic ProhibitNoStrict our $AUTOLOAD; my ($method) = reverse split /::/, $AUTOLOAD; for ( my $action = $method ) { ## tolerate mixed-case attribute name tr [A-Z-] [a-z_]; if ( $self->can($action) ) { *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub { shift->$action(@_) }; return &$AUTOLOAD; } } my $oref = ref($self); *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub { }; ## suppress deep recursion croak qq[$self has no class method "$method"] unless $oref; my $string = $self->string; my @object = grep { defined($_) } $oref, $oref->VERSION; my $module = join '::', __PACKAGE__, $self->type; eval("require $module") if $oref eq __PACKAGE__; ## no critic ProhibitStringyEval @_ = ( <<"END" ); *** FATAL PROGRAM ERROR!! Unknown instance method "$method" *** which the program has attempted to call for the object: *** $string *** *** THIS IS A BUG IN THE CALLING SOFTWARE, which incorrectly assumes *** that the object would be of a particular type. The type of an *** object should be checked before calling any of its methods. *** @object $@ END goto &Carp::confess; } 1; __END__ =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c)1997-2001 Michael Fuhr. Portions Copyright (c)2002,2003 Chris Reinhardt. Portions Copyright (c)2005-2007 Olaf Kolkman. Portions Copyright (c)2007,2012 Dick Franks. All rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the original copyright notices appear in all copies and that both copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =head1 SEE ALSO L L L L L L L =cut