t/01_load.t .......... 1..1 ok 1 - use IO::Lambda; ok t/02_object_api.t .... 1..27 ok 1 - create IO::Lambda ok 2 - initial lambda is not stopped ok 3 - initial lambda is passive ok 4 - initial lambda is not active ok 5 - initial lambda is not waiting ok 6 - finished lambda is stopped ok 7 - finished lambda is not passive ok 8 - finished lambda is active ok 9 - finished lambda is not waiting ok 10 - reset lambda is not stopped ok 11 - reset lambda is passive ok 12 - reset lambda is not active ok 13 - reset lambda is not waiting ok 14 - terminated lambda is stopped ok 15 - terminated lambda is not passive ok 16 - terminated lambda is active ok 17 - terminated lambda is not waiting ok 18 - passed data ok ok 19 - retrieved data ok ok 20 - single callback ok 21 - watch_lambda ok 22 - watch_timer ok 23 - propagate timer ok 24 - catch ok 25 - io read ok 26 - io read/exception ok 27 - io propagate ok t/03_lambda_api.t .... 1..17 ok 1 - lambda api ok 2 - simple lambda ok 3 - tail lambda ok 4 - restart tail ok 5 - rerun lambda ok 6 - timeout ok 7 - tail timeout ok 8 - restart timeout ok 9 - frame restart ok 10 - tailo ok 11 - any_tail ok 12 - read ok 13 - tail read ok 14 - restart read ok 15 - empty tails ok 16 - catch ok 17 - no tail ok t/04_tcp.t ........... 1..6 ok 1 - server is created ok 2 - server is alive ok 3 - got write ok 4 - got echo ok 5 - parallel connections ok 6 - timeout ok t/05_condvar.t ....... 1..5 ok 1 - bind ok 2 - resolve ok 3 - custom event loop ok 4 - reset with custom loop ok 5 - reset without custom loop ok t/06_stream.t ........ 1..5 ok 1 - readbuf ok 2 - readbuf wrapped ok 3 - readbuf eof ok 4 - writebuf ok 5 - dynamic writebuf ok t/07_dns.t ........... 1..3 ok 1 - resolve google(a) ok 2 - resolve google(mx) ok 3 - parallel resolve ok t/08_http.t .......... ok 1 - http_get(google) ok 2 - parallel resolve ok 3 - httpd simple code ok 4 - httpd simple response ok 5 - httpd lambda code ok 6 - httpd lambda response ok 7 - httpd error code ok 8 - httpd error response ok 9 - httpd keep_alive code ok 10 - httpd keep_alive response ok 11 - 1 active connection ok 12 - httpd keep_alive code ok 13 - httpd keep_alive response 1..13 ok t/09_signal.t ........ 1..2 ok 1 - signal timed out ok 2 - signal caught ok t/10_override.t ...... 1..10 ok 1 - single override pass ok 2 - single override deny ok 3 - remove override ok 4 - order ok 5 - two passing overrides ok 6 - one leftover override ok 7 - one deny, one pass ok 8 - one pass, one deny ok 9 - states ok 10 - named states ok t/11_intercept.t ..... 1..11 ok 1 - single intercept pass ok 2 - single intercept deny ok 3 - single intercept modify ok 4 - remove intercept ok 5 - order ok 6 - two passing intercepts ok 7 - one leftover intercept ok 8 - one deny, one pass ok 9 - one pass, one deny ok 10 - states ok 11 - named states ok t/12_udp.t ........... 1..3 ok 1 - udp.connect() ok 2 - udp single connection ok 3 - udp multiple connections ok t/13_synthetic.t ..... 1..2 ok 1 - synthetic condition 1 ok 2 - synthetic condition 2 ok t/14_spawn.t ......... 1..2 ok 1 - good spawn ok 2 - bad spawn ok t/15_thread.t ........ 1..6 ok 1 - scalar ok 2 - list ok 3 - delay ok 4 - join all (123) ok 5 - join some (2) ok 6 - abort ok t/16_fork.t .......... 1..5 ok 1 - scalar ok 2 - list ok 3 - delay ok 4 - join all (123) ok 5 - join some(2) ok t/17_flock.t ......... 1..2 ok 1 - timeout ok (0) ok 2 - lock ok (1) ok t/18_poll.t .......... 1..7 ok 1 - initial poller is not immediately ready ok 2 - initial poller is immediately ready ok 3 - loop not empty ok 4 - loop empty ok 5 - poller timed out ok 6 - poller not timed out ok 7 - returns extra data ok t/19_functional.t .... 1..8 ok 1 - seq1 ok 2 - seq2 ok 3 - par ok 4 - mapcar ok 5 - filter ok 6 - fold ok 7 - curry fold1 ok 8 - curry fold2 ok t/20_mutex.t ......... 1..19 ok 1 - new mutex is free ok 2 - new mutex is taken ok 3 - new mutex is free again ok 4 - immediate wait ok ok 5 - awaited mutex is taken ok 6 - awaited mutex is free again ok 7 - unconditional wait ok ok 8 - awaited mutex is taken ok 9 - awaited mutex is 0-queued and free ok 10 - conditional wait ok - timeout ok 11 - timeouted mutex is taken ok 12 - conditional wait ok - no timeout ok 13 - non-timeouted mutex is taken ok 14 - awaited mutex is 0-queued and free ok 15 - deadlock prevention 1 ok 16 - mutex is taken ok 17 - deadlock prevention 2 ok 18 - pipeline ok 19 - pipeline: trying to get in queue before another lambda ok t/21_exceptions.t .... 1..25 ok 1 - throw ok 2 - pass ok 3 - bypass/1 ok 4 - finally ok 5 - bypass/* ok 6 - catch ok 7 - finally bypasses ok ok 8 - finally/catch ok 9 - catch/bypass ok 10 - finally/catch/bypass ok 11 - catch/catch ok 12 - sigthrow on ok 13 - sigthrow off ok 14 - sigthrow on ok 15 - sigthrow off ok 16 - stack 1/1 ok 17 - stack 1/2 ok 18 - stack 1/3 ok 19 - stack 2/2/2 ok 20 - stack 2/3/3 ok 21 - stack 2/4/4 ok 22 - catch is restartable ok 23 - catch restarts event ok 24 - autocatch can restart ok 25 - autocatch can rethrow ok t/98_pod.t ........... 1..26 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda.pm ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/SNMP.pm ok 3 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Mutex.pm ok 4 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Signal.pm ok 5 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/HTTP.pm ok 6 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Thread.pm ok 7 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Poll.pm ok 8 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Throttle.pm ok 9 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Message.pm ok 10 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Socket.pm ok 11 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Flock.pm ok 12 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/DBI.pm ok 13 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Backtrace.pm ok 14 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Fork.pm ok 15 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/DNS.pm ok 16 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Loop/Select.pm ok 17 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Loop/Glib.pm ok 18 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Loop/Prima.pm ok 19 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Loop/POE.pm ok 20 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/Loop/AnyEvent.pm ok 21 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/HTTP/Server.pm ok 22 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/HTTP/Client.pm ok 23 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/HTTP/UserAgent.pm ok 24 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/HTTP/HTTPS.pm ok 25 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/HTTP/Authen/Negotiate.pm (no pod) ok 26 - POD test for blib/lib/IO/Lambda/HTTP/Authen/NTLM.pm ok t/99_pod_coverage.t .. 1..14 ok 1 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda ok 2 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::Loop::Select ok 3 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::HTTP ok 4 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::DNS ok 5 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::Signal ok 6 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::Message ok 7 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::DBI ok 8 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::Thread ok 9 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::Fork ok 10 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::Poll ok 11 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::Flock ok 12 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::Mutex ok 13 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::Backtrace ok 14 - Pod coverage on IO::Lambda::Throttle ok All tests successful. Files=23, Tests=219, 8 wallclock secs ( 0.08 usr 0.03 sys + 0.94 cusr 0.37 csys = 1.42 CPU) Result: PASS