t/01-import.t ............ # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..1 ok 1 - Did not imported symbol: domain_controllers ok t/02-explicitimport.t .... # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..1 ok 1 - Imported symbol: domain_controllers ok length() used on @resp (did you mean "scalar(@resp)"?) at t/03-resolver-a.t line 16. t/03-resolver-a.t ........ # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 - Existing record not returned ok 3 - Different record returned ok 4 - Undefined record should not be returned ok length() used on @resp (did you mean "scalar(@resp)"?) at t/04-resolver-srv.t line 16. t/04-resolver-srv.t ...... # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 - Existing record not returned ok 3 - Different record returned ok 4 - Undefined record should not be returned ok t/05-missing-dc.t ........ # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..1 ok 1 - Need at least one domain name ok t/06-srv-to-name.t ....... # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..3 ok 1 - Got exception ok 2 - Got exception ok 3 - Extracted name matches ok t/07-srv-fqdn-list.t ..... # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/08-fqdn-to-ipaddr.t .... # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..5 ok 1 - Got exception ok 2 - CNAME is not A ok 3 - SRV is not A ok 4 ok 5 ok t/09-one-dc.t ............ # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..1 ok 1 - One domain controller found ok t/10-two-dc.t ............ # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..4 ok 1 - Two domain controllers found ok 2 - IPv6 domain controller found ok 3 - Dual stacked domain controll1er ok 4 - IPv6-only domain ok t/11-cname-dc.t .......... # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..1 ok 1 - A domain controller should not be identified via its CNAME record ok t/12-cname-on-srv.t ...... # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..1 ok 1 - Domain controller SRV record should not point to CNAME ok t/13-two-domain-names.t .. # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..7 ok 1 - One domain controller found one per every of the two domains checked ok 2 - Empty domain name ok 3 - Undefined domain name ok 4 - No top-level domain names ok 5 - Non-ASCII characters in the domain name ok 6 - Illegal characters in the domain name ok 7 - Domain name too long ok t/14-punycode.t .......... # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..1 ok 1 - Punycode-encoded domain names accepted ok t/15-missing-records.t ... # Seeded srand with seed '20241218' from local date. 1..2 ok 1 - One of the domains checked has no DC service records at all ok 2 - One of the domains checked has no domain controllers active despite service records ok t/manifest.t ............. skipped: Author tests not required for installation t/perl-critic.t .......... skipped: Author test. Set $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. t/pod-coverage.t ......... skipped: Author tests not required for installation t/pod.t .................. skipped: Author tests not required for installation t/readme.t ............... skipped: pkg/README tests are only run in RELEASE_TESTING mode. All tests successful. Files=20, Tests=38, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.03 sys + 0.94 cusr 0.35 csys = 1.37 CPU) Result: PASS