t/1.t .......... ok 1 - use LS; ok 2 - Verify that the version is set ok 3 - Verify the package error string is not defined ok 4 - 'Verify the stack trace' isa 'ARRAY' ok 5 - Verify the stack trace array is empty ok 6 - Test the package error string 1..6 ok t/Authority.t .. ok 1 - use LS; ok 2 - use LS::ID; ok 3 - use LS::Locator; ok 4 - use LS::Authority; ok 5 - 'Creating LSID' isa 'LS::ID' ok 6 - 'Created LS::Locator object' isa 'LS::Locator' ok 7 - Make sure the static host mapping file was set ok 8 - Verify the local authority mappings were successfully read ok 9 - Resolving authority for LSID: urn:lsid:testuri.org:namespace:object:revision ok 10 - 'Make sure the authority object is defined' isa 'LS::Authority' ok 11 - Verify the hostname ok 12 - Verify the port ok 13 - Verify the remote path ok 14 - Make sure the authority details are correct from resolution ok 15 - 'Make sure the authority object is defined' isa 'LS::Authority' ok 16 - Verify the hostname ok 17 - Verify the port ok 18 - Verify the remote path ok 19 - Make sure the authority details are correct ok 20 - Make sure the deprecated method fails 1..20 ok t/ID.t ......... 1..10 ok 1 - use LS; ok 2 - use LS::ID; ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok t/Locator.t .... ok 1 - use LS; ok 2 - use LS::ID; ok 3 - use LS::Locator; ok 4 - 'Verify the LSID ' isa 'LS::ID' ok 5 - 'Verify that the locator' isa 'LS::Locator' ok 6 - Set the filename for static mappings ok 7 - Reset the static mapping filename to a real value ok 8 - Make sure the locator will not cache authority information ok 9 - 'Verify the resolution method return object' isa 'LS::Authority' ok 10 - 'Verify the alternate resolution method return object' isa 'LS::Authority' ok 11 - Verify the clean authority cache method ok 12 - Verify the alternate clean authority cache method 1..12 ok Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. t/WSDL01.t ..... ok 1 - use LS::Authority::WSDL; ok 2 - use LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple; ok 3 - Open authority WSDL file ok 4 - WSDL file: t/authority01.wsdl ok 5 - An object of class 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' ok 6 - 'Verify we have a array ref of metadata locations' isa 'ARRAY' ok 7 - Verfiy that there is only ONE metadata location ok 8 - 'Verify the metadata location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 9 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 10 - Verify the parent service's name ok 11 - Verify the method ok 12 - Verify the URL ok 13 - Verify the protocol 1..13 ok Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. t/WSDL02.t ..... ok 1 - use LS::Authority::WSDL; ok 2 - use LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple; ok 3 - Open authority WSDL file ok 4 - WSDL file: t/authority02.wsdl ok 5 - An object of class 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' ok 6 - 'Verify we have a array ref of METADATA locations' isa 'ARRAY' ok 7 - Verfiy that there is only ONE METADATA location ok 8 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 9 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 10 - Verify the parent service's name ok 11 - Verify the method ok 12 - Verify the URL ok 13 - Verify the protocol ok 14 - 'Verify we have a array ref of DATA locations' isa 'ARRAY' ok 15 - Verfiy that there is only ONE DATA location ok 16 - 'Verify the DATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 17 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 18 - Verify the parent service's name ok 19 - Verify the method ok 20 - Verify the URL ok 21 - Verify the protocol 1..21 ok Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. t/WSDL03.t ..... ok 1 - use LS::Authority::WSDL; ok 2 - use LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple; ok 3 - Open authority WSDL file ok 4 - WSDL file: t/authority03.wsdl ok 5 - An object of class 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' ok 6 - 'Verify we have a array ref of METADATA locations' isa 'ARRAY' ok 7 - Verfiy that there is only ONE METADATA location ok 8 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 9 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 10 - Verify the parent service's name ok 11 - Verify the method ok 12 - Verify the URL ok 13 - Verify the protocol 1..13 ok Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. t/WSDL04.t ..... ok 1 - use LS::Authority::WSDL; ok 2 - use LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple; ok 3 - Open authority WSDL file ok 4 - WSDL file: t/authority04.wsdl ok 5 - An object of class 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' ok 6 - 'Verify that the METADATA locations' isa 'ARRAY' ok 7 - Verfiy that there is only ONE METADATA location ok 8 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 9 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 10 - Verify the parent service's name ok 11 - Verify the method ok 12 - Verify the URL ok 13 - Verify the protocol ok 14 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 15 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 16 - Verify the parent service's name ok 17 - Verify the method ok 18 - Verify the URL ok 19 - Verify the protocol ok 20 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 21 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 22 - Verify the parent service's name ok 23 - Verify the method ok 24 - Verify the URL ok 25 - Verify the protocol 1..25 ok Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Services.pm line 163. t/WSDL05.t ..... ok 1 - use LS::Authority::WSDL; ok 2 - use LS::Authority::WSDL::Services; ok 3 - Open authority WSDL file ok 4 - WSDL file: t/authority05.wsdl ok 5 - 'Verify object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Services' ok 6 - Verify number of method locations ok 7 - 'Verify locations' isa 'ARRAY' ok 8 - Verify number of SOAP locations ok 9 - 'Verify location object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 10 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 11 - Verify the parent service's name ok 12 - Verify the method ok 13 - Verify the URL ok 14 - Verify the protocol ok 15 - 'Verify locations' isa 'ARRAY' ok 16 - Verify number of HTTP locations ok 17 - 'Verify location object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 18 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 19 - Verify the parent service's name ok 20 - Verify the method ok 21 - Verify the URL ok 22 - Verify the protocol 1..22 ok Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. t/WSDL_ns01.t .. ok 1 - use LS::Authority::WSDL; ok 2 - use LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple; ok 3 - Open authority WSDL file ok 4 - WSDL file: t/authorityns01.wsdl ok 5 - An object of class 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' ok 6 - 'Verify that the METADATA locations' isa 'ARRAY' ok 7 - Verfiy that there is only ONE METADATA location ok 8 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 9 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 10 - Verify the parent service's name ok 11 - Verify the method ok 12 - Verify the URL ok 13 - Verify the protocol ok 14 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 15 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 16 - Verify the parent service's name ok 17 - Verify the method ok 18 - Verify the URL ok 19 - Verify the protocol ok 20 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 21 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 22 - Verify the parent service's name ok 23 - Verify the method ok 24 - Verify the URL ok 25 - Verify the protocol 1..25 ok Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/willem/svn/regression-testing/lsid-perl-1.1.7/blib/lib/LS/Authority/WSDL/Simple.pm line 332. t/WSDL_ns02.t .. ok 1 - use LS::Authority::WSDL; ok 2 - use LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple; ok 3 - Open authority WSDL file ok 4 - WSDL file: t/authorityns02.wsdl ok 5 - An object of class 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Simple' ok 6 - 'Verify that the METADATA locations' isa 'ARRAY' ok 7 - Verfiy that there is only ONE METADATA location ok 8 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 9 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 10 - Verify the parent service's name ok 11 - Verify the method ok 12 - Verify the URL ok 13 - Verify the protocol ok 14 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 15 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 16 - Verify the parent service's name ok 17 - Verify the method ok 18 - Verify the URL ok 19 - Verify the protocol ok 20 - 'Verify the METADATA location is the proper object' isa 'LS::Authority::WSDL::Location' ok 21 - Verify the name of the specific location ok 22 - Verify the parent service's name ok 23 - Verify the method ok 24 - Verify the URL ok 25 - Verify the protocol 1..25 ok All tests successful. Files=11, Tests=192, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.02 sys + 0.46 cusr 0.16 csys = 0.66 CPU) Result: PASS