# Testing String::Validator::Email 2.01, Perl 5.038002, /usr/bin/perl t/00-load.t ............ 1..3 ok 1 - use String::Validator::Email; ok 2 - New validator isa String::Validator::Email ok 3 - New validator isa String::Validator::Common ok # Testing String::Validator::Email 2.01, Perl 5.038002, /usr/bin/perl t/10-matches.t ......... 1..6 ok 1 - use String::Validator::Email; ok 2 - New validator isa String::Validator::Email ok 3 - New validator isa String::Validator::Common ok 4 - A simple password that passes the default rules ok 5 - Mismatched passwords fail. ok 6 - Mismatched addresses fail via the Check Method. ok # Testing String::Validator::Email 2.01, Perl 5.038002, /usr/bin/perl t/11-length.t .......... 1..16 ok 1 - use String::Validator::Email; # Checking length ok 2 - Short is too short. ok 3 - The error string should tell us it is too short. ok 4 - 31 character string passes. ok 5 - 32 character string passes. ok 6 - 33 character string fails. ok 7 - The error string should tell us it is too long. # min_len now 22 ok 8 - 22 character string PASS. ok 9 - 23 character string Pass. ok 10 - 19 character string FAIL. ok 11 - The error string should tell us it is too long. # max and min length are now both 22 ok 12 - 23 character string Fail. ok 13 - 22 character string PASS. ok 14 - 21 character string FAIL. # Check that setting both lenght vals to 0 turns the tests off. ok 15 - Null string passes when we dont check it. ok 16 - A long address in fake tld is also passing. ok # Testing String::Validator::Email 2.01, Perl 5.038002, /usr/bin/perl t/20-default.t ......... 1..14 ok 1 - use String::Validator::Email; ok 2 - Should have returned 1 error ok 3 - bad@email Error String should include fqdn. ok 4 - Should have returned 1 error ok 5 - bad-at-email.domain Error String should include rfc822. ok 6 - Should have returned 1 error ok 7 - bad@email.fakedomain Error String should include tldcheck. ok 8 - Expound tells us it didnt recognize tld. ok 9 - IP address not allowed for domain. not ok 10 - Expound tells us it didnt recognize tld. # TODO Need to replace Email::Valid for now skip tests. # Failed (TODO) test 'Expound tells us it didnt recognize tld.' # at t/20-default.t line 41. # '' # doesn't match '(?^:The TLD)' ok 11 - This string should be ok. # TODO Need to replace Email::Valid for now skip tests. ok 12 - This string should not be ok. but the error should not be fatal. # TODO Need to replace Email::Valid for now skip tests. ok 13 - aloitious@thealgonquin Failed for fqdn. # TODO Need to replace Email::Valid for now skip tests. ok 14 - expound method explained that it requires a Fully Qualified Domain Name # TODO Need to replace Email::Valid for now skip tests. ok # Testing String::Validator::Email 2.01, Perl 5.038002, /usr/bin/perl t/21-options.t ......... 1..12 ok 1 - use String::Validator::Email; # Walk through each available non-default value singly ok 2 - Should have returned 1 error ok 3 - bad@email no fqdn should still fail with tldcheck off. ok 4 - bad@email.domain passes because tldcheck is off. ok 5 - my.account@[] passes because allow_ip is on. ok 6 - bad@email no fqdn should still fail with tldcheck off. ok 7 - Allow ip and tld check off, should fail ok 8 - Got fqdn Error message for # Testing with fqdn off - to be meaningful tldcheck also off. ok 9 - should fail ok 10 - Got IP Error message for ok 11 - aloitious@algonquin.com should be ok. ok 12 - aloitious@algonquin should be ok because fqdn is off. ok # Testing String::Validator::Email 2.01, Perl 5.038002, /usr/bin/perl t/22-mx.t .............. ok 1 - use String::Validator::Email; # Check that the mx check option is working. # Keys -tldcheck # Values 1 ok 2 ok 3 - bad@email Should have returned fqdn error. ok 4 - This address should pass all except mxcheck ok 5 - Errstr tells us No MX. ok 6 - brainbuz.org If my email address isn't valid no one is maintaining this module! # ok 7 - Errstr should be empty. ok 8 - gmail If my email address isn't valid no one is maintaining this module! # ok 9 - ghost7mail.com made up address Is_Valid returns false ok 10 - ghost7mail.com made up address IsNot_Valid returns reason of MX ok 11 - Expounding after previous test tells us Mail Exchanger for ghost7mail.com is missing. 1..11 ok # Testing String::Validator::Email 2.01, Perl 5.038002, /usr/bin/perl t/23-string.t .......... ok 1 - use String::Validator::Email; # Check stringification. ok 2 - Jane Brown contains a valid email address # Jane Brown ok 3 - Even for this bad address Validator should know domain part is domain.com 1..3 ok t/author-pod-syntax.t .. skipped: these tests are for testing by the author All tests successful. Test Summary Report ------------------- t/20-default.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 14 Failed: 0) TODO passed: 11-14 Files=8, Tests=65, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.01 sys + 0.37 cusr 0.14 csys = 0.54 CPU) Result: PASS