Release candidate for Net::DNS 1.18

Dear all,

We have a candidate for the upcoming 1.18 release of Net::DNS.

This release includes

  • Updated root hints, with the new IP address for
  • A bugfix for failing Net::DNS::ZoneFile->parse() when an include directory was specified.
  • A bugfix for broken resolution when /etc/resolv.conf had an ndots option.
  • A change in terminology: A DNS reply is not called “answer” anymore to avoid disambiguate. This change applies to a few function names too:
    • Net::DNS::Packet::from() replaces answerfrom()
    • Net::DNS::Packet::size() replaces answersize()
    • Net::DNS::Resolver::replyfrom() replaces answerfrom()

    The old function names will remain for backwards compatibility.

See also the Changes file.

Please review this candidate carefully. If no issues arise, the actual release will follow Friday the 21th of September 2018.

sha256 8ce0ecb4a20a26b209ffd0bf36a728aa3a7430219279e65ddd7f1a5015104bc1

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