Archive for the ‘Releases’ Category.

Net::DNS::SEC 0.22 Released

We have a new Net::DNS::SEC release version 0.22.

This release introduces the following new features and improvements:

RRSIG::siginception and RRSIG::siginception in time values
RRSIG::siginception and RRSIG::siginception now return, besides the format date in string context like before, the date as seconds since epoch in numeric context.
ECDSA and GOST signature creation and verification
The optional Crypt::OpenSSL::EC, Crypt::OpenSSL::ECDSA and Digest::GOST need to be available to enable this feature.
Version requirements detection for optional modules
Besides the optional modules just mentioned, Crypt::OpenSSL::Random is an optional module which enables private key generation and Digest::BubbleBabble enables Net::DNS::RR::DS::babble

Besides these features, architectural modifications have been made to loosen the Net::DNS::RR::* classes from the Net::DNS::SEC package, so that they can be added to the regular Net::DNS in the future, although without cryptographic operations.

To this end, all cryptographic operations are now concentrated in their own modules Net::DNS::SEC::RSA, Net::DNS::SEC::DSA, Net::DNS::SEC::ECDSA and Net::DNS::SEC::ECCGOST.

An affected module of this rework is Net::DNS::SEC::Private. This module previously performed cryptographic operations with the generate_rsa, new_rsa_priv and dump_rsa_* methods.

The generate_rsa and new_rsa_priv methods are still available as before, but the dump_rsa_* methods are now available only if the generate_rsa or new_rsa_priv function were used to create the Net::DNS::SEC::Private object. This is different from previous behaviour (i.e. not backwards compatible).

For a complete list of changes and bugfixes see the CHANGES file.

sha1 29bdb3191f7115f08feae54938e24a9a9ff2b71d

Release candidate for Net::DNS::SEC 0.22

We have a candidate for the upcoming 0.22 release of Net::DNS::SEC.
This release introduces the following new features and improvements:

RRSIG::siginception and RRSIG::siginception in time values
RRSIG::siginception and RRSIG::siginception now returns, besides the format date in string context like before, the date as seconds since epoch in numeric context.
ECDSA and GOST signature creation and verification
The optional Crypt::OpenSSL::EC, Crypt::OpenSSL::ECDSA and Digest::GOST need to be available to enable this feature.
Version requirements detection for optional modules
Besides the optional modules just mentioned, Crypt::OpenSSL::Random is an optional module which enables private key generation and Digest::BubbleBabble enables Net::DNS::RR::DS::babble

Besides these features, architectural modifications have been made to loosen the Net::DNS::RR::* classes from the Net::DNS::SEC package, so that they can be added to the regular Net::DNS in the future, although without cryptographic operations.

To this end, all cryptographic operations are now concentrated in their own modules Net::DNS::SEC::RSA, Net::DNS::SEC::DSA, Net::DNS::SEC::ECDSA and Net::DNS::SEC::ECCGOST.

An affected module of this rework is Net::DNS::SEC::Private.   This module previously performed cryptographic operations with the generate_rsa, new_rsa_priv and dump_rsa_* methods.

The generate_rsa and new_rsa_priv methods are still available as before, but the dump_rsa_* methods are now available only if the generate_rsa or new_rsa_priv function were used to create the Net::DNS::SEC::Private object.  This is different from previous behaviour.

Note that the module had and has the following text at the top of its documentation: “The class is written to be used only in the context of the Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG create method. This class is not designed to interact with any other system.”

If you  depend upon this module please let us know, preferably with a use case.

For a complete list of changes and bugfixes see the CHANGES file.

Please review this version carefully and regression-test it with your software. If no issues arise, the actual release will follow Wedensday the 11th of February 2015.

sha1 8f6951a0e4e6fa4d2dc7fbc4147a36945ed5631d

Net::DNS 0.82 released

We have just released the single bugfix/feature release 0.82 of Net::DNS.

This release adds support for upstream nameservers to be specified as IPv6 link-local addresses with scope_id; either directly on Resolver construction or with the nameservers method, or via a nameserver keyword in a resolver configuration file ( /etc/resolv.conf ).

See also the CHANGES file.

sha1 c7c34155313b716cc2644af59630c103a5741380

Release candidate for Net::DNS 0.82

We have a candidate for the upcoming single bugfix/feature release 0.82 of Net::DNS.

This release adds support for upstream nameservers to be specified as IPv6 link-local addresses with scope_id; either directly on Resolver construction or with the nameservers method, or via a nameserver keyword in a resolver configuration file ( /etc/resolv.conf ).

See also the CHANGES file.

sha1 e69a928219eb72ecd89855c8b239d823a24424f5

Net::DNS 0.81 released

We have just released version 0.81 of Net::DNS.

This release addresses several bugs found in the last month, not least because of the review and assessment of tlhackque. Thank you tlhackque.

For a complete list of changes and bugfixes see the CHANGES file.

sha1 b0f08e555587ccd8a063196db1a57ef1acd818bf

Release candidate for Net::DNS 0.81

We have a candidate for the upcoming bugfix release 0.81 of Net::DNS.

This release addresses several bugs found in the last month, not least because of the review and assessment of tlhackque. Thank you tlhackque.

For a complete list of changes and bugfixes see the CHANGES file.

Because no platform or version sensitive changes will be in this release, we consider it safe to shorten the release cycle a little. If no issues arise, the actual release will follow Wednesday the 29th of October 2014.

sha1 e07f54fd3cef69df0dbb55799050b93b29527852

Net::DNS::SEC 0.21 released

We have a new Net::DNS::SEC release: 0.21.

This is again a single bugfix release, #99250, that restores canonicalization of a RRSIG’s Signer Name before performing validation.

Besides this fix, this release also corrects a few declaration with statement modifier occasions, as pointed out in #99527.

Package maintainers beware! Net::DNS::SEC::Private has always had an implicit dependency on Crypt::OpenSSL::Random. This dependency has been made explicit in this release; both in the use statements in as in the PREREQ_PM list in Makefile.PL. will no longer load if Crypt::OpenSSL::Random is not available.

Because of the smallness, but importance, of the change we consider it safe and acceptable to shorten the release cycle and do a full release immediately.

For a complete list of changes and bugfixes see the CHANGES file.

sha1 e106cd0c887963ef03834170feae9d07f9ab2dad

Net::DNS 0.80 released

I am pleased to announce version 0.80 of Net::DNS.

In this release a single bug is fixed; The “Too late to run INIT block …” warnings that appeared when “requiring” Net::DNS, instead of “using”, are once again suppressed. The INIT block has no effect on Net::DNS operation and is only necessary for Net::DNS::SEC test scripts.

Besides this bug fix, Net::DNS::Resolver can now be forced to use IPv6 only with the force_v6 method.

Also documentation of Net::DNS::Resolver has been tidied, improved and complemented with missing subjects.

To make cygwin installations more predictable and robust, Win32::IPHelper support for cygwin has been removed. Resolver objects are now based on the cygwin specific base class always.

For a complete list of changes and bugfixes see the CHANGES file.

sha1 19df370fbdf214c9c51e2385f5c3aa791b347539

Release candidate for Net::DNS 0.80

We have a candidate for the upcoming single-bugfix release 0.80 of Net::DNS.

With this release the “Too late to run INIT block …” warnings that appear when “requiring” Net::DNS, instead of “using”, are once again suppressed. The INIT block has no effect on Net::DNS operation and is only necessary for Net::DNS::SEC test scripts.

Besides this bugfix, Net::DNS::Resolver can now besides being forced to use IPv4 only, also be forced to use IPv6 only with the force_v6 method. Also documentation of Net::DNS::Resolver has been tidied.

To make cygwin installations more predictable and robust, Win32::IPHelper support for cygwin has been removed.  Resolver objects are now based on the cygwin specific base class always.

For a complete list of changes and bugfixes see the CHANGES file.

If no issues arise, the actual release will follow Monday the 22th of September 2014.

sha1 abc2e7e8abce7e68262b37b6d57d80d503580148

Net::DNS 0.79 released

I am pleased to announce version 0.79 of Net::DNS.

This is a bugfix release.

Besides bugfixes this release introduces a resolver class for the android OS.

Also an implementation of the draft OPENPGPKEY RR is within this release. Beware that the specification for this RR is still draft and is subject to change. The behaviour and/or interface of this implementation may also change. Use for experimentation only!

Also, the recursive resolver Net::DNS::Resolver::Recurse has received a complete rework to make it a) always terminate, b) work properly and c) not make too many unnecessary requests. It now also provides recursive resolving through the conventional query, search and send methods.

For a complete list of changes and bugfixes see the CHANGES file.

sha1 de0b5a1be91305b733f843447d036a7129e524b6