Net::DNS Version 0.55 released

Release 0.55 is now available from CPAN.

Version0.54 contained a problem with TCP Sockets that stayed open even if not requested. This may cause the kernel to run out of TCP slots. I released version 0.55 so shortly after 0.54 since this bug is potentionally harmful with large smamassasin installations.

In addition this release works around a problem that got triggered by the release of Net::DNS::SEC 0.13.

Please report problems through

Net::DNS::SEC Version 0.13 released

Release 0.13 is now available from CPAN.

This release contains a number of bug fixes and features. See the CHANGES file for detail

Important to be aware off:

  • This distribution depends on version 0.54 of Net::DNS
  • Dependency change from Digest::SHA1 to Digest::SHA
  • The Net::DNS::SEC::Private module now compares the keytag from the filename K–.private to possible legal values. If there is a mismatch private keys will not be loaded. There are rare occassions where you might be bitten by this.
  • Mnemonics RSA/MD5 and RSA/SHA1have been renamed to RSAMD5 and RSASHA1, to reflect the values in the IANA registry.
  • Since 0.12 I changed the semantics of the Net::DNS::Keyset::verify method by loosening the requirement that every key needs to be self-signed.

Please report problems through

Net::DNS Version 0.54 released

Release 0.54 is now available from CPAN.

This release contains a number of features and fixes that where previously published as development releases (0.53_01 and 0.53_02).

There are some known issues with connection orriented bgsend (its not there) and fallback to IPv4 in case IO::Socket::INET6 installed and there is no IPv6 connectivity. Fixing these are the next priority.

Please report problems through

Net::DNS Version 0.53_02 released

Developers release 0.53_02 is now available from CPAN.

This release took a while because vacation and a job change came in between. It contains a number of fixes in the bgsend and IPv6 code. Besides it introduces the loop_once() method in This method, that is subject to change and therefore only documented in the "source code" for now, makes it possible to build nameserver functionality into existing programs without the need for getting stuck in the main_loop.Use the method with some care.

If this release does not cause new problems to occur it will be published as version 0.54.

Net::DNS Version 0.53_01 released

Developers release 0.53_01 is now available from CPAN.

The release fixes persistent TCP sockets that broke in 0.50. There are a few other minor fixes in code and tests.

Net::DNS Version 0.53 released

Release 0.53 that is now available from CPAN.

It contains a few bug fixes in the IPv6 code. It also made Net::DNS::Resolve::Recurse deal with lame servers better.

Bug reports and feature requests are welcomed through

Net::DNS Version 0.52 released

Release 0.52 that is now available from CPAN.

The only difference between 0.51_02 and this version is the addition of accessor methods to the OPT RR.

Bug reports and feature requests are welcomed through

Net::DNS Version 0.51_02 released

Development release 0.51_02 that is now available from CPAN.

If the cpantests do not show unexpected results and no new bugs reports are filed this release is targeted to appear as 0.52 in about one or two weeks.

This release includes fixes to the errors that occured during the "escaped character tests" on OpenBSD and Feudora. It also fixes the bug that made the resolver fail to create persistent sockets (needed by SpamAssassin).

For the users of early versions of perl the "use bytes;" pragma has been put into an eval block so that when the bytes pragma is not available the probrams will not fail to compile.

More details in the Changes file.


Net::DNS Version 0.51_01 released

I have just released version 0.51_01. It fixes a problem when using Net::DNS 0.50 with perl 5.6.1.

If you experience errors like:

# Error: Bareword "AF_INET6" not allowed while "strict subs" in use atblib/lib/Net/DNS/Resolver/ line 725.

you should be trying release 0.51_01 that is available from CPAN.

For a description of the problem see this thread from the mrtg-developers that were bitten by the same bug.

Net::DNS::TestNS version 1.09

It seemed that Net::DNS::TestNS contained enough useful stuff for people to ask for a few more features.

  • More header values can be modified.
  • There is support for the OPT meta RR (EDNS0) support.
  • You can define your raw payload, in hex.

More features mend that the XML format (DTD) had to be modified. For an example configuration file you could check out the one of the files in the test directory.

For people that already found use for version 1.06 and have written XML configurations a XSL translation template for the new XML format has been supplied

This package is targeted for use in tests and experiments.